Vaginal Aesthetics and Vaginoplasty
Vaginal Aesthetics and Vaginoplasty
Vaginoplasty is the name given to the surgical procedure performed on the vaginal wall for the purpose of narrowing and tightening the vagina.
The vagina, labium majors (outer lips), labium minors (inner lips) and clitoris, which form the external genital organs of the woman, are naturally present in every woman, but they differ in shape and appearance, or there may be changes after birth.
Normally, in women who have not given birth, the outer and inner lips together cover the entrance to the vagina. The inner lips (labium minors) are normally located inside the outer lips (labium majors) and are not usually visible when viewed from the outside. However, in some women, the inner lips may extend outward between the outer lips, droop, become darker in time, and may be of different sizes asymmetrically. In recent years, women's discovery of their bodies and sexuality has provided them with many benefits, but it has also brought some negativities. Comparing themselves with other women due to the appearance of their external genitalia, embarrassment and restlessness during sexual intercourse may cause negative effects on the family life and sexual life of the woman.
During normal delivery, the vagina and surrounding tissues and muscles stretch and expand due to the baby's head and body.
Especially when the baby's head comes out, the vaginal entrance is widened due to the small tears that occur at the vaginal entrance, the large lips cannot close the vaginal entrance and the vaginal entrance remains separated. Even if the vagina returns to normal after delivery, it often does not fully regain its prenatal tightness and stenosis. This may worsen as the number of normal births increases.
The vagina has the ability to stretch and enlarge for normal delivery. However, deep tears in the side walls of the vagina after difficult births can cause the vagina to expand more than normal, which may cause this situation to be permanent. However, vaginal tightness during sexual intercourse is very important for sexual satisfaction of men and women. Vaginal tightness, which is provided by using the vaginal muscles during intercourse, is not possible in women who have had a large number of deliveries or who have had tears in the vaginal walls after a difficult delivery.
Again, in cases where the vagina is excessively enlarged, air may leak in during sexual intercourse and gas-like sounds may occur, and this may adversely affect sexual life. Women think that the problem is unsolvable because they do not know the root cause of the problem or cannot share it. Today, such problems can be corrected with conservative or surgical treatment. For this purpose, attempts made to the vagina are called VAGINOPLASTY.
All over the world, these surgeries are performed by obstetricians (gynecologists) and plastic surgeons. However, especially vaginoplasty surgery should be performed by gynecologists due to its anatomical structure. In case of any complication (bleeding, perforation, etc.) that may develop due to the proximity of the bladder (urinary bag) in front of the vagina, the large intestine and the rectum located behind it, the operation can be best managed by gynecologists or the complication rates can be minimized.
The operation is performed under sterile conditions under local or general anesthesia. The duration of the operation varies according to the area to be operated and the procedure to be performed. It usually takes 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. It is aimed to surgically remove the excess vaginal skin during the operation and to support and tighten the underlying soft tissues and muscles with special sutures. The patient can be kept in the observation room for 1-2 hours after the operation for bleeding control, generally it does not require hospital stay. The recovery period may take 10 days-3 weeks depending on the procedure. During this period, the patient should apply the prescription given by his doctor and pay attention to his personal hygiene. There is no severe pain or pain, simple painkillers can be used. Since self-dissolving suture materials are used in the operation, there is no need to remove the sutures. The patient can return to his sexual life after about 4-6 weeks.