Baby care
Baby care
It is important to support the head from behind while holding the baby. The baby may throw his head back because he is not holding his head properly, which can be harmful. With one arm you should support the baby's back, while with the other you should protect the baby's head from behind. While lifting the baby from the lying position, softly grasp the baby's ankles with one hand and lift the baby's legs up, while placing your other arm on his back with your open hand and palm to grasp the lower part of his head and neck. Thus, you will grasp the unsupported back and head area of the baby.
The newborn baby should take breast milk 8-12 times in 24 hours, that is, every 2-3 hours. This frequency can be in the first days when breast milk is just starting to come, hourly or whenever the baby wants. After each breastfeeding, the baby should be laid on his shoulder or on his lap and the gas should be removed by making light strokes on the back, if the baby does not pass gas from the mouth after breastfeeding, the side lying position should be preferred.
Sleep is the most difficult issue to solve in baby care. It is necessary to know that every baby's sleep will be different from each other. Of course, babies sleep long. But it is necessary not to leave him because he sleeps for a long time, but to wake him up and breastfeed every 2-3 hours.
A newborn baby can wet the diaper 6-8 times a day. Some babies may poop once a day, while others may poop after each feed. When the diaper areas of newborn babies are wet for a long time, they become irritated. For this reason, the baby's diaper should be changed every 3-4 hours.
The skin of a newborn baby is very sensitive and it is important to keep the skin clean. The skin can be wiped and thoroughly dried using cotton wool, cotton gauze or soft gauze moistened with boiled warm water. Baby's underwear should be changed every day. Babies who stay in a very hot environment or are dressed too thickly get a rash.
It should be noted that the newborn baby's clothes are made of cotton fabrics that absorb sweat, allow the skin to ventilate, and are not hairy. Care should be taken that it is soft, has few seams and does not contain metal or hard parts as much as possible. In the first months, overalls can be preferred for underwear. Hats, gloves and socks must be worn in the first months.
The skin of a newborn baby is covered with a white, waxy, protective, slippery substance called vermix, which does not need to be cleaned immediately after birth. To bathe the baby, the navel can be expected to drop. During this period, the baby's face and body are wiped clean, and their clothes are changed frequently.
After the baby's navel falls, the baby can be washed every other day, if there are suitable conditions, or every other day. It is best to wash your baby before or 1-1.5 hours after feeding. You should have a helper with you while bathing the baby. The water to be used for washing in the first 1-2 weeks should be pre-boiled and heated.
If there is a discharge or burr in the baby's eye, the sterile gauze can be wetted in warm water with boiling water and the eye can be wiped with a single movement from the inside out without pressing too much, and the protruding part near the root of the nose, called the eye fountain, can be massaged with light touches, five or ten times a day. If there is redness, intense burrs and swelling in the eye, it may be necessary to consult a doctor.
There is nothing wrong with clipping nails. Care should be taken when cutting the nail in order not to injure the skin. Because even once, the baby will be very uncomfortable. If possible, cut it after the bath because the nail becomes soft.
We answer the questions in your mind with the pregnancy school trainings in our clinic before the birth about everything you are wondering about. Everything about one-to-one baby care is explained after birth.