Breastfeeding education
Breastfeeding education
Why Is Breast Milk Good Food For Babies?
Breast milk is the ideal nutritional source that contains all kinds of nutritional values such as protein, fat, iron and vitamins that the baby needs for the first six months.
It protects the baby from infections due to the preservatives in it. Breast milk is easy to digest and does not need to be boiled. It is always fresh, clean and ready to give to the baby.
Breast milk, which is completely natural, contains more substances necessary for the growth of the baby than cow's milk.
Since breast milk contains enough water and vitamins, there is no need to give water to the baby, even in very hot climates, and there is no need for fruit juice in the first six months.
Breastfed babies are more intelligent than babies fed other foods.
Breast milk and the first yellow milk after birth protect against diseases such as diarrhea and respiratory tract infections.
Breastfed children are more resistant to diseases such as asthma, allergies and pediatric diabetes, and it is known that the rate of cancer is lower.
Since there is enough iron in breast milk, anemia is not seen in breastfed babies.
In addition, breastfed babies are less likely to experience diaper rash, abdominal pain and constipation.
Correct Breastfeeding Techniques
The mother should sit upright, holding the baby very close to her.
The baby's head and body should be kept straight, and if necessary, the whole body should be supported along with the shoulder.
The breast should be held with the thumb above the breast and the other fingers under the breast.
The baby's mouth should be wide open, the baby's chin should touch the breast.
The baby's lower lip should be curved outward.
The breast should be in the baby's mouth as much as possible, and the baby should have taken not only the nipple, but most of the brown area around the nipple.
Do not give your baby a bottle and a false breast, feed it with healthy breast milk!