Birth is the act of the baby who has completed its development in the mother's womb and cannot stay here any longer and goes out of the uterus. At the end of 37 weeks, every birth outside the uterus is considered to be a timely birth. Therefore, we call births that occur below 37 weeks of gestation. In fact, since babies over 24 weeks of age have the ability to survive, even with support, every situation that goes beyond the womb above 24 weeks is called birth, but we describe these births as premature births.
The act of giving birth is not a situation that develops immediately, on the contrary, it is a process consisting of several stages that manifests itself after certain symptoms. Although the symptoms of childbirth can vary from person to person and from birth to birth, the most common ones are as follows. In these cases, it would be good to inform your doctor.
Signs of Birth:
the need to urinate frequently
Bloody discharge (comes from the mucus plug that covers the cervix, its color can vary from brown to pink.)
Water coming (in this case, the birth is very close, you should definitely contact your doctor.)
Changes in the cervix (this is something that your doctor will notice during the examination.)
Labor pains/convulsions (regular and increasingly severe)
Pains of Birth:
The most well-known symptoms of childbirth are pains. These pains are part of the birth process and are one of the most important symptoms of childbirth. Although these pains, which are a necessity and part of the birth process, differ from person to person, they also have common aspects:
The labor pains are regular, that is, the pain and contractions occur in regular periods.
As the act of giving birth approaches, both their frequency and severity tend to increase.
Birth pains do not go away with a change of position or other measures.
The pains of real births last between 30-60 seconds.
False Pains:
On the other hand, false labor pains, which do not herald a real birth but are believed to prepare the pregnant woman for birth, can also confuse pregnant women. False pains, which can be confused with the pains of real labor, are pains that are considered to prepare the uterus for real birth, appear in the last weeks of pregnancy, and do not trigger labor or premature birth. Its features are as follows:
Periods are irregular, it is not possible to predict when the next pain will come,
They do not become more frequent and severe,
Their duration is not consistent, each contraction lasts for a different time,
They disappear when you change position or move.
These pains and contractions are not serious pain but rather discomforting pains.
The birth process may not always occur when it is planned. Depending on the situation, births may occur before or after their due date. Here we call preterm births that occur before the expected time. Well, in order for a birth to be called premature, what week should the child be born before? Experts call any birth that occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy as premature. As for the frequency of preterm births, 1 out of every 10 babies is born prematurely, and in addition, preterm births can cause serious risks, especially in the baby. On the other hand, the closer the time of premature birth to the time of the baby's normal birth, the higher the chance of survival of the baby; the lower the risk of complications. It should be kept in mind that premature babies may develop problems related to eyes, ears, respiratory and nervous systems.
Symptoms of Premature Births:
Premature births, like normal births, do not occur immediately and show some symptoms before they occur. Although the symptoms of preterm birth are quite similar to the symptoms of normal birth, the determining factor is that these symptoms are seen before the 37th week. It should be kept in mind that sometimes some symptoms such as false pain are confused with the symptoms of preterm labor, and your doctor should be contacted in case of any doubt. These symptoms are:
Back pain with aches and pains in the groin and abdomen
Abdominal pain and stiffness
Pressure felt down the abdomen
Coming of placental juice
Conditions such as bloody discharge, bleeding or spotting.
Causes of Premature Births:
There are many reasons for preterm birth, from genetics to genital infections. The most common causes of preterm birth are as follows:
Having had a previous preterm birth
Conditions that force the uterus, such as multiple pregnancies
Placenta implantation in the cervix
Pregnancy poisoning (Pre-eclampsia)
genital infections
Very advanced or very young maternal age (before 18 or after 35)
Habits such as alcohol, smoking, drugs
Shorter birth intervals
Poor socio-economic conditions
Cervical insufficiency (Cervical Insufficiency) and uterine anomalies
Cervical Insufficiency:
One of the leading causes of the most important preterm birth is Cervical Insufficiency. Cervical insufficiency, or cervical insufficiency
Sometimes, normal deliveries may not occur spontaneously, in which case the physician may take the following interventions:
Artificial labor (birth induction) is used to speed up the process of birth when the contractions are insufficient.
Episiotomy is the stitches placed in the incisions made in the genital area to make the birth easier in normal birth.
Forceps is a spoon-shaped tool used in situations where the mother's pushing is insufficient or the baby needs to be removed as soon as possible.
Vacuum is a method used for almost the same purpose as Forceps.