
Cervical wound diagnosis and treatment

Cervical wound diagnosis and treatment
Cervical sores are one of the most common gynecological problems. Cervical inflammations can be seen due to cervix ruptures and irritations that may occur after childbirth or miscarriages. Sometimes these sores can indicate cervical cancer.

Examination, pap smear test, USG and when necessary, HPV test, cervix and vagina cultures are taken and medical treatment and follow-up are important.

In cases unresponsive to medical treatment, HPV positivity in large wounds or pre-cancerous pathologies of the cervix, cryotherapy (wound freezing) or electrocautery (wound burning) procedures and excision of the diseased area (Leep, conization applications) can be performed. Complete recovery can be achieved with appropriate treatments. There are risks of recurrence and periodic examination and smear follow-ups should not be neglected.

Hemen Randevu Al