Cesarean Birth
cesarean section
The natural way of birth is the birth of the baby through the vaginal canal, that is, vaginal birth. However, this may not always happen for various reasons. In these cases, the baby may have to be removed from the womb with an operation. This method is called Cesarean Birth. In other words, Cesarean Delivery is the act of giving birth by applying an incision in the mother's womb, not vaginally, in the presence of situations that prevent normal birth or in line with the wishes of the pregnant women. Cesarean section rates have increased significantly in our country, especially in recent years. However, as people understand that what should be normal at birth, as in everything else, the desire and rates of normal birth have started to increase again.
Cesarean delivery emerged as a necessity, but after a while it started to be applied on demand. Since the day it started to be implemented, it has been and continues to be a solution to many problems that may arise during and after birth. However, recent studies show that the best thing for both mother and baby is natural birth, namely vaginal birth. However, all my physician friends, including myself, apply the cesarean section method safely and with peace of mind in the face of necessity.
Cesarean Birth 2
Cesarean delivery has both advantages and disadvantages. In some cases, such as roof stenosis, cesarean delivery is inevitable. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cesarean section before coming to the mandatory cesarean delivery here. First of all, we should state that for me and my team, normal delivery is always the first option we desire. We see cesarean delivery as a mandatory and useful method that should be applied when necessary. We advise our pregnant women to trust their doctors and act in line with their teachings. Keeping this information in mind, the Main Advantages of Cesarean Birth:
1-To be able to plan the time of birth
2-The baby can go out in a short time without risk
3-We can list it as the fact that the pregnant woman does not experience the aches and pains of normal birth.
Coming to the disadvantages of cesarean delivery. Major Disadvantages of Cesarean Delivery: Although rarely seen, infection, bleeding and injuries caused by surgery; Delaying postpartum mother-infant interaction; The mother's postpartum recovery period is longer than normal delivery; Having more postpartum pain than normal delivery; Decreased probability of subsequent births with normal delivery; The possibility of experiencing infertility due to intra-abdominal adhesions due to surgery; It is an increased risk of the baby having respiratory problems.
CAUSES OF cesarean section
As we mentioned before, the healthiest birth is normal, that is, vaginal birth. However, this is valid for cases where there is no obstacle for normal delivery. If a normal birth cannot occur for various reasons, then cesarean section is applied. There are many factors that make cesarean delivery obligatory or preferable. Let's briefly enumerate these:
Baby Arrival Position: If the baby's arrival position in the birth canal is reversed, that is, if the baby's head is not forward but his legs are forward and it is understood by the physician that the birth will be difficult in this way, cesarean delivery is preferred. Likewise, if the child comes to the birth canal sideways rather than straight, the physician may evaluate the situation and decide for a cesarean delivery.
Problems of the Placenta: Cesarean delivery is also required in cases where the placenta is torn from the area where it is attached in the uterus prematurely or in cases where the placenta blocks the birth canal and prevents the birth from taking place.
Large Baby-Multiple Pregnancies: Although the reasons are different, cesarean delivery is generally preferred in both cases. In the first case, there is a head-pelvis incompatibility because the baby is large. In other words, the baby is too big to pass through the birth canal. In multiple pregnancies, the reason for cesarean section is the improper posture of the babies.
Cord Prolapse: If the umbilical cord, on which the baby is fed, hangs out of the uterus for various reasons, a pregnant woman is taken by cesarean section.
Uterine Rupture: This condition, also called uterine rupture, is usually seen in Post-Cesarean Vaginal Births and difficult births. In case of uterine rupture, the patient should be immediately taken to cesarean delivery.
Non-Progressive Travail: This means that the baby's progress, which has started to progress in the birth canal, stops. Sometimes the baby does not progress through the canal even after hours. In this case, the pregnant must be taken by cesarean section.
Narrowness of the roof: This situation, also called head-pelvis incompatibility, refers to the situation where the baby's head is too large to pass through the space between the pelvic bones surrounding the birth canal of the pregnant woman. This may be due to the fact that the space between the pelvic bones of the woman, called the roof, is narrower than normal, or it may be due to the baby being larger than normal. In this case, cesarean section is inevitable.
In addition to all these;
The baby has trouble due to lack of oxygen during birth, or in such a case, the baby's stool, called meconium,
Having repeated cesarean sections before,
The mother has ailments such as pre-eclampsia or gestational hypertension,
If the mother has active genital herpes HPV lesions, and
In some cases of vaginismus, pregnant women may have to be delivered by cesarean section.
Roof Inspection:
Finally, if we examine the relationship between roof stenosis and cesarean section again. Obstetricians and Gynecologists perform roof examination in the last weeks of pregnancy in order to plan whether the pregnancy will be normal or cesarean section. Roof examination is a manual gynecological examination in which the pelvic bones of the pregnant woman are evaluated by the physician in the last weeks of pregnancy whether they are suitable for normal delivery. If, as a result of the roof examination, the physician decides that the pregnant woman has a narrowing of the roof, the option of cesarean section is directly passed without trying any normal birth. Therefore, if the pregnant woman does not have narrowness of the roof, this is a sign that normal delivery can occur. However, the roof inspection cannot give a 100% guarantee in this regard, because the patient may be taken to a cesarean delivery for other reasons.
cesarean section anesthesiology
Although childbirth is a natural process, it is a painful and difficult process. For this reason, TIP has been thinking about how this procedure can be performed more painlessly. Although cesarean birth, which is an operation, has been performed by applying anesthesia methods from the past to the present, normal births with anesthesia (Regional anesthesia) and its widespread use are developments that can be considered new.
Cesarean delivery is actually a kind of surgical operation, so anesthesia is inevitable. In this type of birth, the method that has been used since before is general anesthesia. Here the patient is completely unconscious. However, with the development of anesthesia methods, regional anesthesia methods are more preferred in cesarean section recently. According to the patient's condition and the decision of the anesthesiologist, the regional methods, spinal, epidural and combi, which consists of a mixture of two methods, can be applied to pregnant women who have had a Caesarean section.
Unlike normal birth, Caesarean section is not a method in which a woman can give birth continuously throughout her childbearing age. Cesarean section is a type of surgery after all, and like any surgery, it has serious risks. These are risks such as injuries to the abdominal organs, intra-abdominal adhesions that may cause infertility, bleeding and infection. These risks increase as the number of cesarean sections increases. For this reason, it is recommended that cesarean deliveries should not exceed 3-4 deliveries. Although these numbers can be exceeded today, it should not be forgotten that the risks increase with the number.