Diagnosis and treatment of breast problems
Diagnosis and treatment of breast problems
For a woman, the breast is very important during periods of illness and health. The main function of the breast is to secrete milk and provide nourishment to the baby. In different periods of the woman, it undergoes some changes under the influence of different hormones. With the effect of these changes, it causes some complaints and diseases in women.
Some congenital disorders: These are disorders such as unilateral or bilateral absence of the breast, absence of nipple, having more than two breasts and nipples (accessory breast).
For hormonal reasons: Diseases such as early puberty development, excessive and rapid growth in puberty, unilateral or bilateral growth in men (gynecomastia), advanced breast enlargement (giant breast during pregnancy) may occur.
In people who do not have any symptoms, tests and examinations to find diseases such as cancer are called screening. The earlier breast cancer is caught, the higher the chance of cure. The goal is to find cancers before they cause symptoms.
Early Diagnosis Principles of Breast Cancer
Clinical breast examination
Breast awareness and breast self-exam
Diagnostic Methods if Breast Cancer is Suspected
Mammograms, breast ultrasound, ductography, biopsy, fine needle aspiration biopsy, stereotactic thick needle biopsy, surgical biopsy, biopsy laboratory tests, gene editing tests
Breast Cancer Symptoms
Nipple changes and discharge
Skin withdrawal
Skin rash or orange peel appearance
Palpable mass in armpit
Risks Caused by Breast Cancer (Unchangeable Risks)
Be woman
be over 50
Having one or more people with breast cancer in the family
Menstrual age earlier than 12 years
Menopause age over 55
Exposure to radiation from another cause
Presence of genes that cause breast cancer
Breast Cancer Treatment
Surgical treatment: As in the past years, not all of the breasts are removed in the treatment. The cancerous part is removed so that the surrounding healthy tissue is left, and if there is a lymph node splash in the armpit, the axillary lymph nodes are removed. In some cases, breast removal (mastectomy) may be required. In advanced breast cancers, chemotherapy is taken to the preoperative period, the tumor is reduced and the breast is protected.
Chemotherapy: It is performed according to the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, and the characteristics of the tumor.
Hormone therapy: The drug is selected according to the estrogen and progesterone receptor properties of the tumor.
Radiation therapy: It is applied to the armpit in patients whose breast has been preserved, and in patients whose breast has spread to the remaining tissue and to the armpit. It can be applied to the spreading area in bone metastases (spreading to the bone).
Periodic examination and USG follow-ups of the breast are as important as gynecological examinations for the diagnosis and treatment of breast problems. It is necessary to start breast follow-ups earlier, especially from the age of 40 and if there is a family history of breast diseases.