
Doopler (color ultrasonography)

Doopler (color ultrasonography)
By evaluating the blood flow to the baby (from the uterine vessels and umbilical cord) and the baby in Doppler ultrasonography, the decrease in blood flow velocities in the baby, that is, placental insufficiency can be noticed. The goal is not to display the baby in color. It evaluates the 'blood flow velocities' of the heart during systole, i.e. beat, and diastole, i.e. filling moments. Colored blood flows are easier to detect, and when the detected blood flows are graphically documented in waveforms, changes in blood flow velocity can be displayed and decreases in flow velocity can be determined by subjective calculations with some special ratio techniques. An important method for high-risk pregnancies Doppler or color Doppler ultrasonography is a very useful method in the follow-up of high-risk pregnancies, especially growth retardation.

Hemen Randevu Al