

Infertility (male and female infertility) examination and treatment
What is Infertility?

If married couples have unprotected and regular sexual intercourse, the probability of conceiving within the first year is 85%. We call the remaining couple infertile. This is not considered infertility in modern medicine, but the group that needs to be investigated why not having children. We do not want to use the word sterility. For this reason, in this and the following texts, infertility will refer to the group that has difficulty in conceiving.

In the families with infertility, 40% of the women and 40% of the men have problems in both spouses in the remaining 20% group. We evaluate both spouses together at the first meeting. When the couple first arrives, we get detailed information about both of their backgrounds, family histories and any previous treatment.

Especially infertile couples need to know that almost every center offers treatments close to each other. However, the most important factor that increases success is the trust between the patient and the doctor. The most important problems of this group of patients are interrupting the treatment and changing their doctors very quickly. For this reason, having information about previous treatments at least prevents us from starting over and not wasting time.

Hemen Randevu Al