
Menopause screening

Menopause screening
It is the period when the woman's menstruation ceases. The patient, who has not had a period for 1 year, is 40 years old and over in menopause. It is a normal occurrence, not a disease. Menopause that occurs before the age of 40 is called premature menopause. The release of two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, from the ovary slows down and stops completely after a while.

When the hormones decrease, the earliest indicator is variable menstrual bleeding. Age at menopause differs in duration according to heredity and race. The world average is 51 years old, in Turkey this average is 46 years old.


Cessation of menstrual bleeding

Hot flashes and night sweats

Palpitations, insomnia

Irritability, depression and forgetfulness

predisposition to gain weight


Dry skin, vaginal itching, painful intercourse and reluctance

Frequent or difficult urination

urinary incontinence

The following tests should be done in menopause:

Occult blood laboratory test in Fsh, Lh, E2, tsh, prolactin, stool

  If the person is menstruating, tests should be done on the 3rd day of menstruation.

Smaer test, ultrasound (breast-usg, mammography, bone scan)


Preferably, this period should be spent naturally.

According to the complaint can be given:

Estrogen/progesterone supplementation (hormone placement therapy)
Antidepressants can be effective for hot flashes. It can be used in women who cannot use hormones.
Calcium and vitamin supplement (healthy diet + sports exercise)
Lubricant Gel for vaginal dryness
Risks of hormone therapy

The risk of blood clots, Heart attack, Stroke, Breast cancer, Gallbladder disease increases.

If hormones are very necessary, they should be used in very low doses and for a short time.

Advice for women in menopause

Be active and exercise

Do not smoke

eat healthy

Get a bone scan

Have blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar checks done.

Have annual obstetrics and family doctor control (smaer test, usg, occult blood test in stool, breast examination)
rates are very high today. It is recommended that women who become pregnant with the vaccination method should pay attention to their total health status, like every pregnant woman, as well as not disrupt their pregnancy follow-up.

What is the Difference Between IVF and Vaccination?
Among the infertility treatment options, in vitro fertilization and vaccination treatments are frequently preferred methods today. The success rates of both treatment methods are increasing day by day. However, there are some differences between them. The older the woman, the lower the success rate of vaccination treatment. For this reason, elderly mothers-to-be prefer IVF treatment. At the same time, the causes of infertility play a decisive role in the treatment methods that can be preferred.

Hemen Randevu Al