
Methods of contraception

Methods of contraception
Contraceptive methods aim to enable couples to have children when they want and as many times as they want, and to understand the reasons for this and to be able to treat infertile couples who cannot have children in a broad sense. As it can be understood from the definition of contraceptive methods, couples should be able to be protected safely whenever they want, and they should be able to have a child by aiming to get pregnant by leaving the contraceptive method whenever they want.

People who want to benefit from family planning should be evaluated by taking detailed histories and performing physical examinations. As a result of these evaluations, the person is explained with the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of contraception (temporary protection from pregnancy, with reversible methods) and/or sterilization (protection from pregnancy permanently and generally with irreversible methods). The effectiveness levels of various methods are explained. Suggestions are made by choosing the most suitable method for the woman and her husband.

Hemen Randevu Al