
Risky Pregnancy Follow-up

First of all, What is a Risky Pregnancy? To answer the question: Disorders arising from prenatal period, or some problems that occur with pregnancy, may cause various risks related to the pregnancy process and childbirth. We call such pregnancies Risky Pregnancies. In fact, risks are natural situations that can be encountered during pregnancy. What is important for us and our pregnant women is the degree of these risks and pregnancy follow-up. And in addition, it should not be forgotten that the Pregnancy Follow-up of the physician is of vital importance in high-risk pregnancies.

In fact, high-risk pregnancies are mainly due to two main reasons. The first of these are some problems that actually existed before pregnancy, and these can become more serious problems for the mother and the baby after they are combined with pregnancy. Examples of these are blood pressure, goiter, diabetes, heart problems. The second is the risks that did not exist before and that arise directly with pregnancy, that is, the risks arising from pregnancy. Multiple pregnancies and gestational diabetes are examples of this.

Major Risky Pregnancy Causes
The mother-to-be is too thin or too overweight
Systemic disorders such as heart, diabetes, goiter before pregnancy.
Young and late births (before 18-after 35)
Getting pregnant with bad habits such as smoking, alcohol,
multiple pregnancies,
Medications that need to be used continuously,
Miscarriages and stillbirths in previous pregnancies.
It should be kept in mind that our pregnant women in this group are at risk and their pregnancies should be kept under follow-up.

Pregnancy Risks
As we mentioned above, the risks of pregnancy period are the risks arising from the pregnancy itself rather than the problems such as the chronic diseases that the pregnant brought before. These risk factors can seriously affect the health of both the baby and the mother. For this reason, risky pregnancies should be followed closely by specialist doctors. Major Pregnancy Period Risks:

Gestational Diabetes,
Pregnancy Hypertension,
Multiple Pregnancies
Pregnancy Poisoning,
Premature Birth Risks,
Cervical Insufficiency,
Early Coming of Water,
Developmental delays in the baby,
Abnormalities in the amount of baby water,
It can be summarized as the risk of disability in the baby.
To briefly explain the main risky pregnancies in items:

Gestational Diabetes:
Gestational Diabetes or Gestational Diabetes, which is one of the main risky pregnancy types, is a temporary type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, although it did not exist before, and usually disappears after pregnancy. This diabetes is seen in approximately 3% of pregnant women, usually 24-28. It occurs in weeks, the probability of recurrence in later pregnancies is quite high. Those who have had gestational diabetes are generally prone to normal diabetes, so they need to pay attention to their lifestyle for a lifetime.

On the other hand, gestational diabetes or gestational diabetes is more common,

Those with a family history of diabetes
In overweight and obese mothers
In mothers who have given birth to large babies in previous births
Those who have miscarried in previous pregnancies
Those with high blood sugar in previous pregnancies
It is seen in pregnant women who have sugar detected in their urine.
Gestational diabetes or gestational diabetes is a temporary condition that does not pose a serious problem for the pregnant woman when followed closely and usually disappears after pregnancy. However, if it continues uncontrollably without being followed up, it can cause very serious problems. Accordingly, Gestational Diabetes;

Sudden infant death in the womb
Normal to large babies and difficult delivery
Fetal distress and oxygen deficiency,
increase in amniotic fluid
And it can cause various newborn problems.
Finally, pregnant women with gestational diabetes should pay attention to the following points while feeding:

First and foremost, strictly follow the advice of your doctor and your dietitian to be directed by him,
Try to drink plenty of water,
Do not skip meals
reduce salt
Avoid fatty and processed foods such as sausage and salami
Prefer milky desserts for dessert
Eat whole grain breads and fiber foods
Avoid prepared foods
Keep in touch with your doctor
Pregnancy Hypertension:
A 14/9 increase in blood pressure values during pregnancy check-ups, and these results or higher at least two more times in re-measurements performed at 4-hour intervals are indicators of gestational hypertension. It is a condition that can be seen in 1-2 out of ten pregnancies on average. It should be strictly followed as it can cause very serious problems for the pregnant and baby. If it is accompanied by some symptoms, it can also be a symptom of Pre-eclampsia (pregnancy poisoning).

On the other hand, gestational hypertension;

Those with a history of hypertension before pregnancy
In pregnant women with diabetes
In multiple pregnancies
In pregnancies aged 35 and over
In obese pregnant women
In kidney patients
In collagen tissue diseases,
It can be seen more frequently in patients with immune system disorders.
Also, during pregnancy

Hemen Randevu Al