What is a Pregnancy Test
(Pregnancy) Pregnancy Test
In this article, we will try to find answers to questions such as what the (Pregnancy) Pregnancy Test is, what it does, its types, and how it works with precision. For this reason, first of all, let's try to answer the questions of what is the (Pregnancy) Pregnancy Test and how to use it.
(Pregnancy) What is a Pregnancy Test?
(Pregnancy) Pregnancy Test is the general name given to the tests that measure the level of the hormone in human blood, called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and briefly expressed as HCG. This hormone begins to be secreted after the fertilized woman's egg implants in the uterus, and if you are pregnant, the Hcg level in the blood usually rises dramatically within 2-3 days after fertilization. Hcg hormone value in a non-pregnant woman is 0-10mlU/ml. If this value is above 10, it usually indicates that the woman is pregnant. Because the HCG hormone is a hormone directly related to the baby and is secreted from the placenta. Pregnancy tests are also very important tests in terms of detecting the beginning of pregnancy, Pregnancy Calculation and Pregnancy Follow-up. However, in some cases, this hormone can be secreted even if there is no pregnancy. Examples of these conditions are 'false pregnancies' such as ectopic pregnancy, null pregnancy and mole pregnancy, some types of cancer and tumors.
(Pregnancy) Pregnancy Test Types
The HCG hormone can normally be traced in the blood and (although at high levels) in the urine. Therefore, pregnancy (Pregnancy) Pregnancy tests can be examined under two groups as urine tests and blood tests.
Urine Tests:
Pregnancy test measured from urine (Pregnancy) seems to be cheap, easy and more suitable for privacy. The precision rates of these tests, which are highly preferred for the stated reasons, are quite high. However, as we said before, your possible pregnancy should be confirmed by a gynecologist and obstetrician with various observations and tests. One of the other reasons why these urine tests are preferred is that they can be done easily and in the comfort of home by reading the instructions on the test. In the pregnancy test measured in the urine (Pregnancy), Hcg hormone can give results within 7-10 after fertilization. However, for a more accurate result, it would be more accurate to wait for your next possible menstrual day (14 days). Therefore, keep in mind that you may be pregnant even if the result of urine tests measured before the menstrual day is negative. In addition, the quality of the test you use here will also affect the result. Some tests can detect very low Hcg increases while others require high levels for detection.
Blood Tests:
In the (Pregnancy) Pregnancy Test, blood tests can both give more precise results than urine tests and can detect pregnancy earlier than urine test. However, this test cannot be done at home and should be done by your doctor. Blood tests can give results 6-8 days after ovulation, but the explanation of the result of the test takes more time than urine tests because it needs to be examined in a laboratory environment. Some of the blood tests can only tell whether you are pregnant or not, while others can detect exactly what the amount of Hcg in your blood is. In this way, your doctor can follow the course of pregnancy and possible risks with this test.
How Accurate Are Pregnancy Test Results (Pregnancy)
(Pregnancy) Pregnancy Test 2
For urine (Pregnancy) pregnancy tests, the test performed one week after your last menstrual day will usually give a fairly accurate result. In addition, since the density of urine in the first hours of the morning is higher, this will positively affect the test to give a more accurate result. Urine tests performed at home according to their instructions are 99% accurate, even higher for blood tests. The accuracy rates of urine tests are related to the quality and sensitivity of the test, the time of ovulation and the time it takes for the embryo to settle in the uterus, and how accurately you apply the (Pregnancy) Pregnancy test.
(Pregnancy) What Pregnancy Test Results Mean
In common (Pregnancy) pregnancy tests, 1 or 2 lines appear on the display screen of the test after testing your urine. If there is a single line, the result is negative, if there is a double line, it is positive. A positive test indicates that HCG hormone has been detected in your urine, that is, you are pregnant. A negative result means that HCG hormone cannot be detected in the urine for the time being. Urine tests can give 'false positive' results in very few cases. This can be caused when there is blood or protein in the urine, or from certain medications. However, 'false negative' results are more common. This can be caused by doing the test before the time period, not following the instructions in the test, having a lot of water in the urine, and some medications. If