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Gebelik Testi Nedir
What is a Pregnancy Test

In this article, we will try to find answers to questions such as what the (Pregnancy) Pregnancy Test is, what it does, its types, and how i

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Birth is the act of the baby who has completed its development in the mother's womb and cannot stay here any longer and goes out of the uter

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Sezaryen Doğum
Cesarean Birth

The natural way of birth is the birth of the baby through the vaginal canal, that is, vaginal birth. However, this may not always happen for

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Normal Doğum
Normal Birth

In our previous articles, we defined birth as the act of coming out of the womb, where the baby, who has completed its development, can no l

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Epidural doğum Nedir
What is an epidural birth?

In epidural delivery, anesthetic agent is administered through a catheter inserted into the spinal cord by entering with a special needle fr

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Riskli Gebelik Takibi
Risky Pregnancy Follow-up

First of all, What is a Risky Pregnancy? To answer the question: Disorders arising from prenatal period, or some problems that occur with pr

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It's Happy Always in Your Moment We are with you

How to Start a Pregnancy in a Healthy Way

Under normal conditions, ovulation occurs approximately 24 to 36 hours after the LH hormone reaches its highest level. The regular sexual intercourse of the spouses during this period of those who want to become pregnant increases the chance of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to follow the menstrual period by marking it on the calendar.

  • Family planning
  • Peak
  • Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Scan and Test
  • Regular Check
  • 24/7 Consulting
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How to Follow Pregnancy?

Many expectant mothers apply to the obstetrician after their period is delayed, suspecting that they are pregnant. During this period, pregnancy is approximately 3-6 weeks. The most important period of pregnancy is the first three months, that is, the first 12 weeks.

  • Pregnancy Tracking
  • Doğum
  • Birth
  • Normal Birth
  • Testing and Diagnosis
  • 24/7 Consulting
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How is the First Screening Test Done During Pregnancy?

While the baby in the mother's womb is lying in the side position, the transparent area behind the nape can be seen between the 11th and 14th days of pregnancy. A double combined test is performed by measuring HCG + PAPP-A from the blood sample taken from the mother (by adding age and gestational week parameters).

  • Dual Examination
  • Dual Scan
  • Detailed Ultrasound (Anomaly Scanning Ultrasound)
  • Pregnancy Diabetes Screening
  • Testing and Diagnosis
  • 24/7 Consulting
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Birth is the act of the baby who has completed its development in the mother's womb and cannot stay here any longer and goes out of the uterus. At the end of 37 weeks, every birth outside the uterus is considered to be a timely birth.

  • Normal Birth
  • Cesarean Birth
  • Epidural Birth
  • 24/7 Consulting
  • Risky Pregnancy Follow-up
  • Hospitalization
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Baby Care Newborn

An average of 3 hours a day is spent on feeding, changing diapers, dressing and bathing. Babies usually shift their sleep to night after 6 weeks of age. If possible, it is recommended that the mother and baby stay in the same room for the first 6 months. The room he sleeps in should be a cool, clean-air room.

  • Pregnancy School
  • Mother Education
  • Father Education
  • Postpartum Control
  • Testing and Diagnosis
  • Vaccine
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Breastfeeding and Nutrition

In the first 6 months, your baby's main nutritional needs are breast milk. The baby meets 4/5 of its nutritional needs (3 main meals and some snacks) with breast milk. Additional foods alone are not enough during this period; For this reason, after 6 months, you should continue to feed your baby with breast milk regularly.

Consult your Pediatrician for Necessary Diagnosis and Treatments

Step by step pregnancy Timeline

first 4 weeks

The 4-week-old baby is still in the embryonic state. It is about 1-2 millimeters long and can only be seen under a microscope. Its cells divide rapidly, increasing its number, and its tissues, which will undertake different tasks, differentiate.

9 Weeks

At 9 weeks of pregnancy, the baby has reached a size that can be easily seen on ultrasound. In this way, the eyes of the baby can be seen clearly in an ultrasound examination to be carried out this week.

13 Weeks

With the 13th week of pregnancy, the mother's belly begins to grow slowly. As the baby grows, the uterus expands and fills the pelvis, the pelvis, as of this week.

1 2 3
1st Trismester 0.4kg - 2.0kg
Golden period

Now is the period when the baby begins to feel. The mother begins to establish a physical bond with the baby in a real sense. It is a period in which all the baby's organs develop.

During this period, your baby is 2 to 3 cm tall.

The 9-week-old baby now reaches a height of 2 to 3 cm and a weight of 3 grams in the mother's womb.

At 13 Weeks of Pregnancy

In this week, as during pregnancy, the baby continues to develop in the mother's womb and is prepared for birth.

1 2 3
2nd Trismester 2.0kg - 8.0kg
During this period, your baby is 20-25 years old.

The baby's height is 20 cm, and the weight is approximately 400-450 grams. In the baby, the skin begins to thicken and the senses of smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch become active.

In this period, your baby is 28-30 cm tall.

The baby's height is about 28-30 cm, and its weight is around 550-650 grams. This week is one of the baby's milestones.

At This Period, Your Baby Is 50-52cm Long

As of this week, the baby has now completed its development. The baby's head is placed in the birth canal entrance and is ready for birth.

1 2 3
3rd Trismester 8.0kg - 13.6kg

Our Medical Devices

Genital  Estetik Nedir
Genital is Vaginal Aesthetics

The deformities experienced in these parts of the genital area not only cause an aesthetically bad appearance; It also causes problems such

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Vajinoplasti Nedir
What is vaginoplasty

Vaginal enlargement and aesthetic problems may occur after vaginal deliveries, especially after difficult deliveries and after poor healing

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Lazerle Vajina Yenileme Sıkılaştırma
Laser Vagina Resurfacing, Tightening

Female genitals may lose their dynamics and function due to reasons such as pregnancy, normal birth, weight gain, smoking, hormonal disorder

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Lazerle Genital Renk Açma
Laser Genital Bleaching

The genital area is faced with browning, regional or extensive color darkening, and darkening problems over time due to various reasons. Tod

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Lazerle İdrar Kaçırma Tedavisi
Laser Incontinence Treatment

In cases such as coughing, sneezing, and straining that increase intra-abdominal pressure due to bladder prolapse, urine escapes. In this ty

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Genital Siğil Tedavisi
Genital wart treatment

As with other infections, there is no definitive treatment with an oral medication, cream or vaccine in the treatment of HPV today. Once the

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